Rummynose Tetra

Rummynose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri)

Overview: The True Rummy-Nose Tetra gets its name from the red blushing across its nose and face, but its beautiful coloration does not end there. Hemigrammus bleheri has a mirror-like silver body and a jet-black tail striped with white.
Native Range: South America
Max. Length: 2 inches
Water: 72-77° F, KH 2-6, pH 5.5-7.0
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: This fish thrives in well-planted systems. In addition to plants, decorate the aquarium with scattered rocks and driftwood to simulate its natural habitat.

Buenos Aires Tetra

Buenos Aires Tetra (Hemigrammus caudovittatus)

Overview: The Buenos Aires Tetra is a popular species of Tetra fish that have become quite popular within the aquarium hobby in recent years. They have an attractive silver iridescent body with bright red anal and tail fins. Buenos Aires Tetra are sought after both for their appearance and their good aquarium personality, as they can co-exist with pretty much any tropical community fish without problems.
Native Range: South America
Max. Length: 4 inches
Water: 64-82° F, KH 12-30, pH 7.0-8.3
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: Buenos Aires Tetras are somewhat more aggressive than some of the smaller Tetra species, but are still generally quite peaceful towards all but the smallest tank mates. They are known to eat some species of aquatic plants, but should not pose too much of a threat to a larger established and thriving planted aquarium. The Buenos Aires Tetra is not a good choice for a very small or nano planted aquarium, as their feeding on the plant leaves will most likely put too much pressure in such a small environment.

Red Eye Tetra

Red Eye Tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae)

Overview: Moenkhausia Sanctaefilomenae is a very peaceful Tetra. This fish has a silver body with green and pink reflections. Its caudal is black and the iris of its eyes is red. Its scales are quite big for its small size.
Native Range: Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina
Max. Length: 2.75 inches
Water: 72-79 F, pH: 5.5 - 8.5
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: Quite an adaptable species that will thrive in most well maintained tanks, although it doesn't like very brightly lit or sparsely decorated environments. It looks excellent in a densely planted tank. It can also be kept in an Amazonian biotope setup if you wish.

Flame Tetra

Flame Tetra (Hyphessobrycon flammeus)

Overview: The Flame Tetra, also known as the Red Tetra or Tetra of Rio, is a small freshwater fish of the characin family Characidae of order Characiformes. The species was first introduced as aquarium fish in 1920 by C. Bruening, Hamburg, Germany, and formally described in 1924 by Dr. George S. Myers
Native Range: Rio de Janeiro
Max. Length: 2 inches
Water: 75-79°F; pH 6.0 - 8.0
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: The Flame Tetra prefers a well planted aquarium with lots of hiding places and some free areas to swim in. They also prefer dimmed lighting. Flame Tetras are very undemanding and can be kept in most water conditions as long as extremes are avoided.

Red Eye Balloon Tetra

Red-Eye Balloon Tetra (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomene)

Overview: The Red Eye Tetra adds a sophisticated touch to the larger freshwater community aquarium. The distinguished color pattern of black and silver is accented with an eye-catching red marking above its eyes. A school of these metallic silver fish is sure to add dynamic energy and en masse, the signature "red eye" adds an unexpected touch of color.
Native Range: South America
Max. Length: 1.5 inches
Water: 75-79 F, pH: 7.0- 8.0
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: The Red Eye Tetra has a natural tolerance to a wide range of water parameters. This characteristic makes the Red Eye Tetra well suited for a variety of aquarium setups including the community aquarium. Unlike sensitive tetra species that need to be kept in soft water conditions, the hardy Red Eye Tetra is an excellent choice for new aquarists. Furthermore, the Red Eye Tetra is very peaceful and is compatible with other non-aggressive fish.

Cardinal Tetra

Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

Overview: The cardinal tetra has the striking iridescent blue line characteristic of the Paracheirodon species laterally bisecting the fish, with the body below this line being vivid red in color, hence the name "cardinal tetra". The cardinal tetra's appearance is similar to that of the closely related neon tetra, with which it is often confused.
Native Range: Upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers in South America
Max. Length: 1.5 inches
Water: 73-81° F, KH 2-6, pH 5.5-7.5
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: Though relatively hardy, the Cardinal Tetra does best in soft, acidic water with few fluctuations in water parameters. The Cardinal Tetra should be kept in groups of six or more and be housed with equally peaceful tankmates.

Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)

Overview: Tetras are active schooling fish that work well in the peaceful community aquarium. It is ideal to keep six or more fish of the same tetra species in the aquarium.
Native Range: Colombia, eastern Peru, western Brazil
Max. Length: 1.5 inches
Water: 68-79 °F
Feeding: 6.0-7.8
Behavior & Care: They tend to be timid and, because of their small size, should not be kept with large or aggressive fish that may bully or simply eat them. Fish that mix well in an aquarium are other types of tetras, such as the rummy-nose tetra, cardinal tetra, and glowlight tetra, and other community fish that live well in an ideal tetra water condition. Mid-level feeders, they are best kept in schools of six or more, for the shoaling effect when they move around the tank.

Neon Black Tetra

Neon Black Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)

Overview: Sporting an iridescent silvery-white stripe contrasted by a black stripe beneath it, the Black Neon makes an excellent contrast fish to similarly shaped and sized tetras such as the Rummy Nose or Neon Tetra.
Native Range: Brazil
Max. Length: 1.5 inches
Water: 73-81 F, pH: 5.5 - 7.5
Feeding: Omnivore
Behavior & Care: The ideal biotope for the Black Neon Tetra includes subdued lighting, live plants, open space for swimming, a dark substrate, and a healthy water current in the mid to upper region of the aquarium where they prefer to swim. They are a schooling fish and should always be kept in groups of a half dozen or more.

